Health Care Services Millage Renewed!
Thanks to Genesee Health Plan:
1 out of every 5
Genesee County residents has received
coverage from GHP over the last 17 years
paid for doctor visits
paid for prescriptions
paid for mental health services
paid for dental services
paid for laboratory and x-ray services
Who We Are and Why We Are Here
Founded in 2001, The Genesee Health Plan (GHP) covers preventive health care services including doctor visits, outpatient mental health services, prescription drugs, dental care, labs, x-rays, mammograms and cancer screenings. GHP helps hard-working Genesee County residents who work two or three jobs but don’t receive health insurance from their employer or may have recently lost a job. GHP also provides dental care for seniors and veterans.
GHP is funded by a countywide “Health Care Services Millage” that provides funding for health care services. The millage was first approved in 2006 and renewed in 2012. Every penny raised from the millage is spent on direct health care services for patients. For more information about GHP’s accountability and transparency click here. Renewing this millage means keeping our tax rates the same as they are today; the proposed rate of .998 mills will cost the owner of a home valued at $100,000 about $50 per year.
On Tuesday, November 6, Genesee County voters will have the opportunity to renew the “Health Care Services Millage.” Renewing the millage means that Genesee Health Plan, along with local organizations, partners and providers, can continue to provide these life-saving and much needed services to the residents of Genesee County.